Fotos 09_Singapore
The flight from Heho to Kengtung was not as straightforward as expected – instead of going the direct way, the plane flew to Mandalay and Tachilek first. Stopover times at each place were only10 – 15 minutes though and we could sit in the plane. It’s really impressive how fast people and luggage can be exchanged!
Trying to find the bus station in Kengtung, in order to organise our journey to the Thai border, we stumbled across many beautiful villas. Being in the capital of the “Golden Triangle” this is probably not astonishing. Unfortunately the map in our Lonely Planet was more than inaccurate and when we finally found the bus station we were informed that it was not possible to buy tickets but that we had to find a driver on the day of departure. The next day we went trekking to several hill tribe villages. Being only a day-trip to four different tribes, we didn’t really have enough time to get to know them well, but it is wonderful how they keep the different traditions alive, especially because they all live within walking distance. The most obvious sign of this are their very different clothes and some of the tribes are blackening their teeth, as this is a symbol of beauty.
Fotos 09_Singapore